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Joe Scarborough versus Bill Maher

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On August 23rd, 2005, Bill Maher appeared on Scarborough Country (see transcript). Bill Maher has been an outspoken critic of the Bush Administration, and the religous right, and is the host of HBO's show "Real Time with Bill Maher". Rather than blasting Bill Maher for critisizing the mistakes made in Iraq and calling for the troops to come home, Joe Scarborough had kind words for someone with an opposing view. Joe said he respected Bill Maher for being fair, and for not having an ideologically driven position on the war in Iraq. I couldn't agree with Joe Scarborough more on those points. As I've stated before, there's nothing worse than partisan ideologues. I am however still left wondering how it is that Joe Scarborough can blast Senator Chuck Hagel for voicing concerns over the war, saying that Chuck Hagel was hanging the troops out to dry, but is respectful and courteous towards Bill Maher's opinions. I guess I'll just have to let that one go. For Aug. 23rd, 2005, Joe scored a 5 (out of 5) on the common-sense scale, brining up that low average for the week. Good job Joe!

2 Responses to “Joe Scarborough versus Bill Maher”

  1. Blogger G_in_AL 

    I havnt watch Joe in quite awile. Just dont have time anymore. But I think the real reason we see so little "objectivity" in any journalism is because strong opinions sell. And the strongest opinions sell the most. Objective views get bashed on from both sides, and then dismissed when they dont support an agenda. But if you take a side, stand by it defiantly in the face of facts, and demonize the other side... well then you have a following.

  2. Blogger G_in_AL 

    No prob gaber,

    As much as the blog world has its polorized sections too, you can find opinions from both sides of the fence without the authors worrying about selling their product. So you get what people really think reguardless of what kind of ratings it would get, or how many viewers it would offend.

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