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Comments not working for firefox, hacked my new template.

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I switched to a new template from blogger templates. It seems the comments feature is hosed for firefox. It should be fixed now for IE. Sorry if you tried to leave a comment...

2 Responses to “Comments not working for firefox, hacked my new template.”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    see, comments are working!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Whats going on gaber... nice re-vamp.

    Now, when you get a chance, let me know if another comp you can get on shows my site the same way (too wide). I dont get the same result you did on either my home computer or work computer.

    My wife is the only other one to say she sees it the way you described.

    I dont know what would cause the difference though.

    At any rate... hows things?

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