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Joe investigates God

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Last night Scarborough Country dedicated an entire segment of the show to debating whether Katrina's destruction of New Orleans and Mississippi was the wrath of god. Once again Scarborough Country comes through with hard-hitting journalism and important discussion of the issues that most affect America. No less than three guests were invited on the show to share their viewpoint on this vital and pressing issue in the gulf coast reconstruction effort.

Sarcasm aside, this is a typical example of how the media has become cheap and lazy. Instead of doing real investigative journalism, instead of researching issues, checking facts, sending people out into the field to put together informative and thoughtful reports, they slap together these low-budget, heated yelling sessions about some complete non-issue. With the show dedicating close to 25% of its useful on-air time to nonsense like this, you'd think there was a dearth of important topics and news to cover. Next time Scarborough Country is in desperate need to fill their air time with something (anything), and topics like Iraq war, supreme court nominations, budget deficits, gulf coast reconstruction, disaster preparedness, and government corruption (to name a few), don't seem to come to mind, here are a few suggestions:

  1. Give an update on the Cambodian Midget Fighting League.
  2. Interview a vampire or druid.
  3. Have Joe Scarborough bust out into a Gregorian chant for 10 minutes (or required time).
  4. Explain the importance of the media in a democracy (or get someone that can).
  5. Lastly, explore topics vital to the functioning of a healthy democracy (see #4).

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