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For Rent: White House

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West Wing meets... huh? "The West Wing"? This administration should just pack up and move to a Hollywood set if they're going to script and rehearse scenes of Bush getting reports from troops in the field. They could rent the set from NBC's "The West Wing". Or better yet, the administration could rent out the White House to NBC. Shooting the show on location would add a certain feeling of authenticity that is otherwise lacking from its real-word counterpart.

From contrived town hall meetings to rehearsed teleconferences with soldiers, it seems as though this administration has a distaste or dislike for genuine interaction with the hoi polloi. The first thought that came to mind when I heard about the scripted teleconference with soldiers in Iraq was “misanthropist”. Actually my first reaction was complete disbelief. My second reaction was that it’s almost as if there’s an aversion to getting in touch with or having any contact with the people they govern. One can't help but be cynical when the president goes to these lengths to stage nothing more than him simply doing his own job. This can’t possibly help those downwardly spiraling poll numbers. When is someone in the administration going to stop the bleeding?

3 Responses to “For Rent: White House”

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